Monday, September 10, 2012

Got Wanderlust?

This Sunday was WanderLust - Yoga in the City, an international day of fundraising for Yoga AID.

Yoga in the City started the same morning in Sidney, Australia and traveled the world like a wave in a day, finishing on the pier in Santa Monica, CA in time for sunset.
I hadn't been to any Wanderlust event before so didn't know really what to expect, apart from some yoga and being united in a good cause, which for me is good enough reason to partake in anything!
So I headed out to Santa Monica armed with my mat, an open heart and an open mind to find out more.

Wanderlust was here!
Earlier class finishing in Sukhasana
I arrived there early so was able to check out some of the sponsor tents before the 4pm class started. These were much appreciated, giving away free frozen yoghurts, coconut water and samples of other organic and healthy goodness.


 Health magazine also had a tent and when I arrived Mandy Ingber, author of Yogalosophy (and Jennifer Aniston's very own yoga guru) was giving a demo class on some of her Yoga for Happiness Moves. She also talked about her Yoga 'Vision' Mat - you create your own vision board which gets printed onto a yoga mat. The idea is to  help focus your energies and keeps you aligned with your intentions, whenever you practice.

Here is Mandy's demo class in full swing!

After a welcome and introduction giving more of the story behind Yoga in the City Sianna Sherman took the stage - she did a little bit of partner work to break the ice and bring everyone together. Sianna was followed by Tommy Rosen, talking about staying in the moment while we were in Arda Chaadrasana for 20 breaths! Then Derek Beres, Kumdini with Ally Hamilton from Yoga Anonymous closing our practice with some heart opening asanas.

Strong Warriors!

It was great to experience different teachers, each one bringing something very different but equally special to the moment. And in such a unique environment it was fun to be part of a much larger yoga community.

There is still an opprtunity to give to YogaAID click here if you are interested to find out more.

View from Ocean Blvd, Santa Monica
L :)

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